Resource Links
Our primary resources are our volunteers, but we cooperate with many other organizations in Taos. Ask us what you need.
Training Videos
17 minute training video - What We Do
How to use Helpful Village (our web site) and more for Helpful Village click HERE.
How we handle requests for Services.
Health & Safety Resources
See our Medical Resource page.
Housing Resources
See our Housing Resource page.
Food Resources
See our Food Resource page.
Navigating your Later Years - Book
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form
Legal Resources for the Elderly
Top 10 Senior Scams and How to Prevent Them
Rent and Food Support
Help applying for federal rent support is available from Taos Elder Benevolent Services.
Shared Table's food distribution and delivery to seniors is available the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays every month.
Call Pastor Cheri Lyon - El Pueblito United Methodist Church - at 505-440-6849
Some benefits of volunteering are available via the following linked pages:
Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits
Long-term health benefits of Volunteering
Personal Benefits of Volunteering in your Community
We are a member of Village-to-Village Network, which has a very useful website.
Commercial Providers
Helpful Ideas
This article has many good ideas for living at home, with these chapters:
8. Maintaining a Supportive Community
9. Resources
Library Resources
If you don't already know, the Taos Public Library has 60,000 books, plus CDs and DVDs — the latter includes an excellent collection of PBS and BBC programs.
You can also email the library with a book list at or call with book orders at 575-737-2590. You can browse our online catalog for material and we are also offering access to reference and reader advisory services to help curate material based on your personal interests.
More information on our ongoing and special programs can be found on our website at
New Mexico State Library 1-800-395-9144, 1209 Camino Carlos Rey, Santa Fe 87507-9144 has Services for the Blind.
Also: Books by mail — They send a print catalog four times a year (or via computer if you wish) you phone or write in your requests, and they appear in your mailbox! This is mostly popular stuff — mysteries, westerns, romance, sci-fi, cookbooks — but also children's' books to read to your grandchildren, etc. I find it an excellent supplement to the local library.
Hearing Problems
Members who have tinnitus (ringing in the ears) may be interested in the AMERICAN TINNITUS ASSOCIATION: Tinnitus can be difficult, not only to live with--but since there's nothing visible, others may not understand. A prominent sufferer with tinnitus is WILLIAM SHATNER (Captain Kirk of the famed TV series). He thought he was losing his mind, until correctly diagnosed. Of particular concern to elders is finding the correct hearing aids.
Contact us at or 575/224-6335 or TENT, PO Box 3561, Taos, NM 87571